Friday, March 27, 2009

Stimulating Science

"After years of flat federal funding that dimmed morale and stalled basic research, the federal stimulus package has created a frenzy for "lab-ready" science, with a $21.5 billion investment in research and development.

'I think you're noticing a spring in people's steps, in the recognition that a real contribution can be made by researchers across the country,' said Kevin Casey, associate vice president in the office of government, community, and public affairs at Harvard University.

'Research funding has been down a lot in the last eight to 10 years,' said Peg AtKisson, director of proposal development at Tufts University. 'It's just been very rough, and it's like the winter we just had, and the stimulus package is spring.'"

Scientists excited by prospect of stimulus spending - The Boston Globe

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Turning Education into Professional Success

I'm not a fan of commercials at the movies, but I'm inspired by stories like this. UNL graduate and Nebraska native Michael Montgomery (right) is just 26 but has a solid portfolio of professional work on his resume. Now the film ad he co-wrote and produced has won the 2009 Coca Cola Refreshing Filmmaker Award. He worked with Jerome Sable (left), whom he met in graduate school at USC. The film is called "Meanwhile" and features some world-class dancers. Watch it!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Office Pets

Our office is fish friendly! Shown are my pet, Pepe; home of the executive assistant's recently deceased pet Neil Patrick Harris (RIP); Alpha, the director's pet; the project assistant's unnamed plastic pair; and Wanda, pet of the business manager. Our office pets add a welcome bit of color and movement to the workplace!