Friday, February 27, 2009

Leadership That Makes a Difference

I'm proud of the RA who planned this training for the women in her dorm. The instructor showed them how to fight off an attacker. What a difference from the so-called "self defense" class I had in junior high school, where the girls were taught to submit to an attacker and give him anything he wanted, so he hopefully wouldn't kill us.

"About 30 girls from Cather Residence Hall spent their evening on Feb. 22 participating in a self-defense training course....instructor Ben Coleman led the class, and said the students were open-minded, interested, honest and ready to learn. The students said Coleman was easy to listen to, and a lot of laughs. Jackie Adams, a senior biology/pre-med major and a resident assistant in Cather, was in charge of the event, and took a seminar with Coleman during RA training in August."

This quote gave me goosebumps: “What I picked up on was like, Don’t be afraid to be forceful.” You go, girl!

--Cather Resident Learn Self Defense Tactics, Daily Nebraskan

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