Friday, September 25, 2009

University Pres Fires Assistant for Going to Restroom

Reginald Green was driving his boss, a university president, from Philadelphia to Washington DC. He needed to use a restroom once during the trip. But the boss said no! Huh? Who does that?

According to an article in Business Management Daily,

Green warned the president that he would 'have an accident in the car' if he wasn’t allowed to stop. The president ignored his plea. Regardless, Green drove to a rest stop and used the facilities. When Green returned to the car, the president mumbled something under his breath and refused to talk to Green the rest of the drive. The next day, Green was fired.

I guess arrogant jerks do that.

Green sued the university and won, but only because he had disclosed during his pre-employment physical that he has irritable bowel syndrome. The court ruled it was a disability covered by the Americans With Disabilities Act, and since he was hired with knowledge of his condition the university was required to accomodate his need for restroom breaks.

My question is, why don't ALL employees have the right to use the restroom when they need it?

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