Monday, November 12, 2007

Welcome to my office!

Last month, a handsome young technology instructor from our local community college had the unenviable job of explaining the latest technology to a bunch of middle-aged educational office professionals. He was so enthusiastic about wikkis, blogs, text messaging from a PC, and all the other wonders of computer technology--well, we got excited about it too!

So here I am, blogging. I can't very well persuade my bosses to venture into brave new worlds of electronic communication until I've tried it myself. Not that I have any idea what to post that would be interesting to others. I'm hoping if I put it out there, maybe my office friends will respond and learn along with me.

It may seem unlikely that a bunch of office workers will create anything interesting on a blog. Frankly, I have a few doubts about that myself. Where I work, most of us are too busy at work to mess with blogs. So we'll have to do it on our own time, and for some folks precious little of that is free. Still, why not give it a try?

As we used to say in the olden days when we wrote letters and mailed them to our friends, "Write back!"

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