Sunday, October 12, 2008

Why do we write for others?

Many of my peers in educational offices are suspicious of new media. I recently asked my professional association's national e-mail list if they use social networking sites to communicate with students, parents or other constituents and if not, why not? The responses were overwhelmingly negative, with a judgmental undertone that surprised the list administrator.

I respectfully disagree with my peers. I think humans have a natural urge to write things for others to see, whether it's on a rock in New Mexico, in a servicewoman's diary, or on This natural urge should be encouraged and nurtured, which New Media does.

For people with access to the technology, their cartoons, poetry, music, books, photography, essays, and anything else they figure out how to create and post online, are available to a potential audience of millions. That's motivational!

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