Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Husker Cats

Our campus has a population of feral cats. The official policy is to leave them alone unless they exhibit symptoms of disease. These "campus cats" are an environmentally friendly, cheap form of vermin control.

That's no small matter on a campus that is a registered botanical garden and arboretum with lots of vegetation for wildlife to enjoy, and where integrated pest management is used to minimize pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. So far there has been no harm done by the cats, and they do a great job of keeping critters out of our buildings.

However, some people in our campus community feel there are too many cats, and worry about their welfare. These folks have formed an organization called Husker Cats to help stabilize the feral cat population. The group is approved though not funded by UNL. Maybe it's a good idea to question the hands-off policy. Perhaps veterinarians should be allowed to trap, vaccinate, and spay or neuter the cats then release them back on campus. I would be delighted if everybody does their homework and engages in respectful dialogue that results in a win-win solution!

To see more photos of our campus cats, visit

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